Thursday, January 19, 2012

Front Page News Story

Kublai Khan, Founder of the Yuan Dynasty
By Gabe Gerhske
Kublai Khan was one of the greatest Mongol emperors and founder of the Yuan dynasty. The fourth Great Khan, Mongke Khan of the Mongol empire, died in 1259 while surrounding a city in Chongqing. After Mongke Khan died, China had no one to rule. So Kublai Khan and Ariq Boge, (Kublai Khans younger brother) battled for the throne. For the next couple of years they fought and Kublai Khan finally won making him the next ruler. Trying to control all of China, Kublai Khan decided to attack the Southern Song Dynasty in the early 1270s. Kublai Khan officially took over and began the Yuan Dynasty in 1271.

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